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Illustrations VS

Fig 67 Three light crystals under the table Fig 67 Three light crystals under the table
Fig 67 Three light crystals under the table
Fig 68 A light crack In the table, two crystals Fig 68 A light crack In the table, two crystals
Fig 68 A light crack In the table, two crystals
Fig 69 A few small light crystals In the crown Fig 69 A few small light crystals In the crown
Fig 69 A few small light crystals In the crown
Fig 70 A small light cleavage crack under the table Fig 70 A small light cleavage crack under the table
Fig 70 A small light cleavage crack under the table
Fig 71 Several small light inclusions in the crown Fig 71 Several small light inclusions in the crown
Fig 71 Several small light inclusions in the crown
Fig 72a Two light crystals, a cleavage crack In a table facet.jpg Fig 72a Two light crystals, a cleavage crack In a table facet.jpg
Fig 72 Two light crystals, a cleavage crack In a table facet
Fig 73 Several very small, light inclusions under the table Fig 73 Several very small, light inclusions under the table
Fig 73 Several very small, light inclusions under the table
Fig 74 Several very small, light inclusions under the crown facets Fig 74 Several very small, light inclusions under the crown facets
Fig 74 Several very small, light inclusions under the crown facets
Fig 75 Two light crystals, a crack under the table, fringe-like cracks Fig 75 Two light crystals, a crack under the table, fringe-like cracks
Fig 75 Two light crystals, a crack under the table, fringe-like cracks
Fig 76 A very small crystal inclusion under the table and table facet, fringe-like cracks Fig 76 A very small crystal inclusion under the table and table facet, fringe-like cracks
Fig 76 A very small crystal inclusion under the table and table facet, fringe-like cracks
Fig 77 Several very small, light inclusions in the crown Fig 77 Several very small, light inclusions in the crown
Fig 77 Several very small, light inclusions in the crown
Fig 78 A light cleavage crack V1 a pavilion main facet Fig 78 A light cleavage crack V1 a pavilion main facet
Fig 78 A light cleavage crack V1 a pavilion main facet
Fig 79 Several tight Inclusions under the table Fig 79 Several tight Inclusions under the table
Fig 79 Several tight Inclusions under the table 
Fig 80 A light crack below the girdle Fig 80 A light crack below the girdle
Fig 80 A light crack below the girdle
Fig 81 A cleavage crack in a pavilion main facet, seen through the crown Fig 81 A cleavage crack in a pavilion main facet, seen through the crown
Fig 81 A cleavage crack in a pavilion main facet, seen through the crown
Fig 82 As Fig 81, seen through pavilion Fig 82 As Fig 81, seen through pavilion
Fig 82 As Fig 81, seen through pavilion
Fig 83 Two small light crystal inclusions under the table Fig 83 Two small light crystal inclusions under the table
Fig 83 Two small light crystal inclusions under the table
Fig 84 Smaller and larger light crystal mclusions under crown facets Fig 84 Smaller and larger light crystal mclusions under crown facets
Fig 84 Smaller and larger light crystal inclusions under crown facets
Illustrations VVS Illustrations SI