Basically, similar facets should be cut equal in size and regularity, The size and regularity of the pavilion facets is best determined by observation through the table with sharp focusing of the microscope on the lower facet edges.
Attention should be paid to. the following requirements: the intersection of the edges of the pavilion main and girdle facets should lie in one plane, i.e. be at the same distance from the culet (Fig 278).
Fig 278 The points of intersection of the pavilion facets lie in one plane | Fig 279 Relation of size of pavilion crown: girdle facets = about 80:20 | Fig280 Relation in size of crown girdle: table facets = 50 : 50 |
The size ratio of the pavilion main facets to the lower girdle facets should be 80 : 20 (Fig 279). The size ratio of the table facets to the upper girdle facets should be 50 : 50 (Fig 280).
Symmetry of table and table edges | Regularity of the facets |